Service Design for


The Beställartorget system offers a more holistic approach for Umeå kommun employees to order items needed to assist their work. It focuses on ways to improve communication between co-workers, and makes the ordering system more understanble and fun to use, educates people through days routine activities and most important, helps people to save time.

Umeå Kommun is the biggest employer in Västerbotten with 11300 employees within various professions. Beställartorget is a new approach to buy products and services. The system will be applied to all employees and will lead to freeing up more time for core business and customers. The project was realized in collaboration with Umeå  kommun, placing the main focus on children refugee camp Pangea.

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With Bestallartorget, we offer a central communication and ordering platform, accessible by anyone at anytime, through a smartphone or personal computer that is continually updated with the latest information. Our system allows people who were often uninformed to request items at the best price. This central piece is a good way to follow others activities and promote their own participation. The users within Pangea’s office could, for example, interact easily with it and decrease time spent away from their main job.

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